
The BLACKSOCKS voucher is a perfect gift to show your generosity and allows to buy the most beautiful socks, the most comfortable underwear or high-quality shirts. Let them discover the BLACKSOCKS online shop and give them the choice! To redeem the voucher, simply go to and place your order. You can redeem the voucher in step 3 of the order process, 'How do you want to pay'.
Invia per email Consegna a mano
Inserisci i dati del destinatario della Gift Card e scegli se inviarla via email o consegnarla a mano.
Vuoi arricchire un regalo giĂ  presente nel carrello? chevron-down

Seleziona un destinatario:

Massimo 50 caratteri

Massimo 50 caratteri

Massimo 100 caratteri

Massimo 500 caratteri

Ti ricordiamo che la data inserita sarĂ  la stessa anche per tutte le giftcard che aggiungi al carrello

Massimo 100 caratteri

Desideri programmare l'invio del regalo? chevron-down La Gift Card sarà inviata al tuo indirizzo email, quello specificato in fase di registrazione, così potrai consegnarla tu stesso.

Informazioni sul prodotto

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The BLACKSOCKS voucher is a perfect gift to show your generosity and allows to buy the most beautiful socks, the most comfortable underwear or high-quality shirts.
Let them discover the BLACKSOCKS online shop and give them the choice!

To redeem the voucher, simply go to and place your order. You can redeem the voucher in step 3 of the order process, 'How do you want to pay'. 

Redemption option
You can redeem the voucher on the Internet at
Please note that the vouchers you purchase are themselves subject to separate general terms and conditions.

Number of redeemable vouchers
Please note that only one voucher can be redeemed per order and that the voucher value must be redeemed in full. The remaining value will be forfeited.

The voucher is valid for three years from the date of issue.

Remaining credit
If the shopping basket remains under the voucher value, the remaining value will be forfeited.

Delivery conditions
There is no minimum order value.
There are no shipping costs. The sales price includes all costs (shipping, packaging, customs clearance and VAT).

Redemption description
1. add the desired products to your shopping cart
2. enter the voucher code in the field provided.
3. go to the checkout.
4. log in with your user account or register as a new customer.
5. choose your payment method. Select the payment method you wish to use.
6. check and confirm your order.

Sei un’azienda, vuoi risparmiare tempo e vuoi premiare i tuoi dipendenti con un'offerta di buoni welfare eccezionale? Vai su GiftCardStore il portale Amilon dedicato alle aziende. Scegli l'importo che preferisci e regala loro un'esperienza unica di welfare aziendale. i migliori benefit aziendali che offri saranno di altissima qualità e faranno la differenza sul lavoro.


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