
  • Categoria: Spesa
  • Validità in mesi: 3
  • Paese: Nazione eur
The largest online wine shop in Italy with a selection of over 1000 wineries and thousands of Italian and foreign labels selected by certified sommeliers.
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Massimo 100 caratteri

Desideri programmare l'invio del regalo? chevron-down La Gift Card sarà inviata al tuo indirizzo email, quello specificato in fase di registrazione, così potrai consegnarla tu stesso.

Informazioni sul prodotto

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The largest online wine shop in Italy with a selection of over 1000 wineries and thousands of Italian and foreign labels selected by certified sommeliers. 

The Tannico Gift Card gives you access to the largest online wine shop in Italy and across Europe, with a selection of over 1000 wineries and thousands of Italian and foreign labels selected by certified sommeliers. Offers are reserved for registered members only.  The Gift Card Tannico are not combinable with each other and with other offers. For more information see the page



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