How to download and send Giftiamo's gift cards and digital vouchers
Follow these simple steps:

Create your account or login to your user profile
After registering your account, you can access your personal area and proceed with the purchase of Gift Cards.
Enter the required information and continue by clicking on "create an account". After confirming your email address, you can access your personal area.

Login to your personal area
Login to the site and view your personal area. Click on your order number and access the details of your selected order.
Click on "Download Voucher" to access your voucher or store it on your device.

Access your Voucher
After clicking on Download Voucher, copy the security PIN, continue and enter it in the appropriate box "PIN" to access your digital voucher

View online, download, print or share your voucher!
Continue to access your voucher and decide whether to download it for storage on your device, print it for a hand delivery, email it to the email addresses you want, or simply view it online.