Bennet was founded in the early 60s and since then its expansion has been continuous, turning it into a market leader in hypermarkets and shopping centres, with locations all over northern Italy.
The Bennet webedition gift card allows you to pay for any purchase made up to the value indicated, is valid for 18 months, can be cumulated and can be spent in several solutions. It is not nominative and no refund is allowed in case of loss or theft. It is not rechargeable, is not redeemable for cash and gives no right to change. Bennet webedition gift cards can be used at all Bennet hypermarkets and bennetdrive (excluding bennet at home).
You can find the list of shops at https://www.bennet.com/storefinder
To use your Bennet Webedition Gift Card, visit the Bennet hypermarket you have chosen, do your shopping, and present the Gift Card directly at the checkout when paying. Alternatively, shop on bennet.com, and when you pick up your order, hand the Gift Card to the Drive attendant at the time of payment (excluding Bennet at home service). You can use the Bennet Gift Card to purchase anything you like, except for financial products and services, such as Bennet gift cards, Amazon, Netflix, Google, Smart Box, Spotify, Dazn, H&M cards; Nintend, Google Play, Apple, Microsoft GC-XBox, Sony...
Pay attention to the expiry date! After this date it will no longer be possible to spend your Bennet webedition Gift Card.
For further information on the expendability of the Card contact the Bennet Customer Service at www.bennet.com/customerCareForm or call the toll-free number 800.236638 active 7 days a week from 9am to 9pm.