
Gift card FlixBus


Enjoy the best prices to travel to 29 countries and over 2000 destinations, each day of the year.
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Enter the details of the recipient of the Gift Card and choose whether to send it via email or deliver it in person.
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Maximum 50 characters

Maximum 50 characters

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Maximum 500 characters

Please note that the entered send date will also be the same for all giftcards you add to your cart

Maximum 100 characters

Would you like to schedule the delivery of the gift? The Gift Card will be sent to your email address, the one you specified during registration, so you can deliver it yourself.


Still no idea on the perfect gift for that special person? What's better than a trip to a city in Europe? You have more than 1000 to choose from!
Enjoy the best prices to travel to 29 countries and over 2000 destinations, each day of the year. Flixbus ensures the best service: free 4G Wi-Fi, seats with extra leg space, electric sockets, space for your luggages, snacks and drinks at cheap prices. You just need to choose the amount of the gift card, purchase it online and use it until the credit is over.
The Flixbus gift cards cannot be cumulated with other codes or promotions. 


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