
Gift card FlixBus


With FlixBus Gift Cards you can organize your next trip or give it to whoever you prefer!
Send gift via email Deliver yourself
Enter the details of the recipient of the Gift Card and choose whether to send it via email or deliver it in person.
You want to enrich a gift already in your cart?

Select a Receiver:

Maximum 50 characters

Maximum 50 characters

Maximum 100 characters

Maximum 500 characters

Please note that the entered send date will also be the same for all giftcards you add to your cart

Maximum 100 characters

Would you like to schedule the delivery of the gift? The Gift Card will be sent to your email address, the one you specified during registration, so you can deliver it yourself.


The Flixbus Gift Card allows the purchase of one or more tickets on the website or on the FlixBus app available on the App Store and Google Play.
To spend the Flixbus Gift Card you must first activate the code indicated on the booking voucher, which is valid for 6 months from its issue. By following the instructions on the voucher you can download the spendable Gift Card. Further information on the expiry date will be available on the voucher itself.
The Flixbus Gift Card can be used for more than one purchase while credit runs out and is not convertible, refundable or cumulative with other codes and promotions. If the amount of the cart exceeds the remaining credit on the voucher, you will need to supplement the difference with payment using the methods made available on


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